Sunday, 28 April 2019

Flan - Creme Caramel

Flan is one of the easiest desserts ever, you don't need lots of ingredients or baking skills to get this sweet perfect the first time, promise.

You just need

0.5L of milk
3 eggs
3Tbsp of sugar, plus extra for the caramel

Fist we have to make the caramel, put some granulated white sugar in a pan with a few drops of water, don't worry if you pour too much water, it just will take longer to make, heat it up and don't stir it until it starts to become brown, it will not work otherwise. Once is made pour it in a aluminium container, I use disposable ones because my flanes are for sale, you can use ceramic or glass, meanwhile is oven-safe is ok.

Meanwhile the caramel is cooling down, pre-heat the oven at 120C, the flan need to be cook really slow.

In a bowl, combine the milk, eggs and sugar mix until combine, and pour thought a strainer into the container with the caramel.

Now cover your flan with tin foil to avoid burn the bottom of the flan and put it in a big container and pour some cold water, more or less to the middle of the flan container (bain-marie) and put in the oven for 1h.

Once is cook for 1h remove from the oven and let it cool at room temperature inside the bain-marie.